Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The List of 150+ Commentluv Blogs to Make Backlinks by Commenting

For creating Backlinks people around web look and search for making Backlinks in variety of ways to increase their reputation just in seconds. However before it they need to consider on something that is important to be aware of. You may be experienced in creating or making Backlinks by your ways But the way I'm gonna share is not just good but even it is one of the Best ways to make Backlinks.

As you know we've picked a topic of creating Backlinks and have posted some worth while articles on them like What are Backlinks and Top 5 Ways to Create Backlinks. You must read these articles to understand Backlinks correctly. After that you've chances to make some good and strong Backlinks for your Website or Blog.

What is there in the List of Commentluv Blogs ?

I hope you were looking for stuff like what I'm gonna share with you in today's article. We've made a list of high PR Rank Blogs and websites that you can use to make Backlinks by commenting there with the help of Commentluv tool. Basically, Commentluv tool is installed inside of the wordpress hosted sites. Its just fine and great way to make a strong connection of your blog/site with other users of web. This activity of you will led you to success in the short terms. Which means you'll not need to work upon heavy activities. Some of the Blogs have allowed Do-Follow Links to make this relation more strong, Because this is the only way that Get you to increase Google PR rank and Alexa rank.

What is Commentluv ?
Actually, commentluv is a tool/plugin installed on some of the wordpress hosted websites or blogs. Where people comment to have backlinks for their sites in the shape of their last posted article or pages/posts. This is very interesting way to achieve Backlinks as well as receive traffic to your site. You can even find it more good when you've joined some of the sites providing commentluv facility. If you really want to increase your Backlinks of your site then don't let this opportunity to go away. Just start working on it and get a number of Backlinks for your site in order to impress your readers/visitors and friends.

The List of 150+ Commentluv sites to Comment on!

  1. http://forums.feedburner.com/
  2. http://forums.cnet.com/
  3. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/default.aspx
  4. http://weblogtoolscollection.com/
  5. http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/
  6. http://forums.mysql.com/
  7. http://www.gamespot.com/forums/index.html
  8. http://www.bookforum.com/
  9. http://interactiondesign.sva.edu/
  10. http://links.org.au/
  11. http://www.techgeeze.com/
  12. http://www.currybet.net/
  13. http://www.midasoracle.org/
  14. http://www.illinipundit.com/
  15. http://bbpress.org/forums/
  16. http://www.dreamteammoney.com/
  17. http://forums.amd.com/
  18. http://blog.photography.si.edu/
  19. http://www.gardenstew.com/
  20. http://www.bloggertalk.com/
  21. http://www.techsupportforum.com/
  22. http://www.v7n.com/forums/
  23. http://blondish.net/
  24. http://theworkathomewife.com/
  25. http://www.women-unlimited.co.uk/
  26. http://blog.2createawebsite.com/
  27. http://www.daniweb.com/forums/
  28. http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/
  29. http://andybeard.eu/
  30. http://www.eartheasy.com/blog/
  31. http://www.kthread.com/kthread/
  32. http://www.outofmygord.com/
  33. http://www.howtospoter.com/
  34. http://www.webuildyourblog.com/
  35. http://thattechchick.com/
  36. http://theadventurouswriter.com/blogwriting/
  37. http://www.zigpress.com/
  38. http://www.smallbusinessbranding.com/
  39. http://kikolani.com/
  40. http://www.dazzlindonna.com/blog/
  41. http://basicblogtips.com/
  42. http://kaiserthesage.com/
  43. http://weblogbetter.com/
  44. http://gradmoneymatters.com/
  45. http://mywebgal.com/blog/
  46. http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/
  47. http://smallusbflashdrive.com/
  48. http://www.sweetsfoods.com/
  49. http://www.technshare.com/
  50. http://www.affiliateblogonline.com/
  51. http://www.vancesova.com/
  52. http://www.esoftload.info/
  53. http://gabrieljohansson.com/
  54. http://www.webtrafficroi.com
  55. http://blog.hichamaged.net
  56. http://www.nomeatathlete.com
  57. http://dereksemmler.com/
  58. http://www.thevirtualhandshake.com/blog/
  59. http://therenegadewriter.com/
  60. http://elleeseymour.com/
  61. http://bytesizecss.com/
  62. http://blog.ruski.co.za/
  63. http://profitsfinancesite.com/
  64. http://blogchef.net/
  65. http://www.jhsiess.com/
  66. http://www.joebartender.com/
  67. http://www.memwg.com/
  68. http://kid666.com/
  69. http://www.randomhacks.net/
  70. http://www.wchingya.com
  71. http://www.stayonsearch.com/
  72. http://thebitbot.com/
  73. http://www.methods2earn.com/
  74. http://blog.winesworld.com/
  75. http://www.drownradio.com/
  76. http://www.thisclassicallife.com/weblog/
  77. http://middlezonemusings.com/
  78. http://highprofileenterprises.com/
  79. http://nickstraffictricks.com/
  80. http://jamesmartell.com/
  81. http://michelleshaeffer.com/
  82. http://bloggingwithoutablog.com/
  83. http://www.thesaleslion.com/
  84. http://www.fridaytrafficreport.com/
  85. http://www.seodiscovery.org/
  86. http://thesisthemehq.com
  87. http://advancedmarkettraining.com/
  88. http://comluv.com/
  89. http://www.jiscdigitalmedia.ac.uk/blog/
  90. http://www.seobythesea.com/
  91. http://www.grokdotcom.com/
  92. http://www.socialtimes.com/
  93. http://www.currybet.net/
  94. http://blog.greens.org.nz/
  95. http://www.tvhe.co.nz/
  96. http://www.feedforall.com/forum/
  97. http://forum.newsgator.com/
  98. http://www.zymic.com/forum/
  99. http://weblogtoolscollection.com/
  100. http://forums.photobucket.com/
  101. http://sayanythingblog.com/
  102. http://www.wickedfire.com/
  103. http://www.bloggerforum.com/
  104. http://forums.afterdawn.com/
  105. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/index.html?

  106. sid=1
  107. http://freebloghelp.com/
  108. http://www.askolivertausend.com/
  109. http://ariherzog.com/
  110. http://w3blog.dk/
  111. http://www.searchenginepeople.com/blog/
  112. http://www.midasoracle.org/
  113. http://www.oilman.ca/
  114. http://www.hobo-web.co.uk/seo-blog/
  115. http://blog.astrumfutura.com/
  116. http://career.ucsb.ed/blog/
  117. http://gaming.psu.edu/
  118. http://www.affordable-internet-marketing.com/
  119. http://www.lifeintherough.com
  120. http://focusorganic.com/
  121. http://www.rebeccawalker.com/blog/
  122. http://alemsys.com/
  123. http://www.bluehatseo.com/
  124. http://selberg.org/
  125. http://sem-group.net/
  126. http://wordpress-websitebuilder.com/
  127. http://www.attractionmarketingonline.com/
  128. http://www.smartbloggerz.com/
  129. http://www.growmap.com/
  130. http://www.wilsonellisconsulting.com/blog/
  131. http://www.doitwithwp.com/
  132. http://ian-belanger.com/
  133. http://profitonknowledge.com/
  134. http://jefffaldalen.com/
  135. http://www.techtricksworld.com/
  136. http://juhotunkelo.com/
  137. http://www.intenseblog.com/
  138. http://another-blogger.com/
  139. http://truemlmgrowth.com/blog/
  140. http://www.biggirlbranding.com/
  141. http://findmyblogway.com/
  142. http://pulkit.me/
  143. http://buildyourblog.net/latest-articles/
  144. http://geeks4share.com/
  145. http://blazingminds.co.uk
  146. http://www.thehussy.co.uk
  147. http://andreasnurbo.com
  148. http://www.tanveernaseer.com/blog
  149. http://www.communityspark.com/
  150. http://www.iayork.com/MysteryRays/
  151. http://www.buzzmarketingwithblogs.com/
  152. http://www.uncommonphotographers.net/
  153. http://blogs.cetis.ac.uk/asimong/
  154. http://www.stephanmiller.com/
  155. http://www.deardrmoz.com/
  156. http://www.missnexus.com/
  157. http://cinnamonthoughts.org/
  158. http://www.steverenner.com/
  159. http://www.barrywise.com/
  160. http://www.benspark.com
  161. http://www.famousbloggers.net/
  162. http://www.cravingtech.com/
  163. http://productivewriters.com/
  164. http://www.netchunks.com/
  165. http://tips4pc.com/
  166. http://azblogtips.com/
  167. http://jimsmarketingblog.com/
  168. http://www.chadnicely.com/
  169. http://website-in-a-weekend.net
  170. http://www.techjaws.com/
  171. http://www.costpernews.com/
  172. http://blog.waxmarketing.com/
  173. http://www.retirement-income.net/blog/
  174. http://www.jonathanvolk.com/
  175. http://www.wordsellinc.com/
  176. http://www.tekkaus.com/
  177. http://www.bloggodown.com/

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